Description du produit:
Paskal est un bain thermal unique de la ville qui ofre une expérience complète de la relaxation ultime et du confort que les gens recherchent habitually lorsqu'ils visitent un bain thermal ou une zone de spa. The spa was built in 1989 and is the newest spa in Budapest. Paskal offers an incredible experience once you immerse yourself in one of the many thermal pools that are at the perfect temperature for you to forget the worries of the world.
Ce qui est inclus:
- Entrée privée sans reservation aux bains de Paskal. ✅
- Entrée gratis dans toutes les piscines chaudes. ✅
- Free entrance to the hammams, saunas and outdoor swimming pool. ✅
- Faites-vous plaisir avec un massage en option. ❓
- Enjoy the luxury of a cabine d'essayage privée. ✅
The children's pool is quite big, with slides in the middle, my kids loved it and what I like about it is that there is a part of it for the little ones with a shade
The water and pools are clean. The changing rooms are also kept tidy. Prices are reasonable.
Very good, open in winter and summer. Clean, decent, uncluttered beach/swimming pool.