Sorseggiate e visitate il Danubio durante questa crociera serale a Budapest. Scegliete tra diverse opzioni di crociera in base alle vostre preferenze e ammirate le splendide viste del Castello di Buda, del Palazzo del Parlamento e della Cittadella.
A bordo è possibile acquistare altre bevande mentre la serata prosegue lungo lo scintillante panorama di Budapest.
At the end of the day, we enjoyed cocktails and sitting around looking at the beautiful buildings of the city. An excellent choice for an end of day programme.
For buildings that were almost all demolished during the world war, you have restored them professionally. We were also extremely satisfied with the service on the ship itself, we were offered delicious drinks.
Make sure you try it! Budapest is the most beautifully lit city in the world with beautiful historic buildings.